Today is my 26th birthday. It is also the 36th year of existence for my beautiful 1976 Toyota Celica. Anyone that knows me also knows that I have a somewhat human relationship with this machine!
I was recently given an original Toyota 18R repair manual from 1975! What was even more stunning, were the hand drawn images of the engine cut through at different angles (see lower original image).
They were such well balanced images, that I couldn't help but want to turn it into a giant painting! And I was just thinking about how my living room almost completely artless...

I have overhauled my engine with my father numerous times, so I love being able to recognise all the parts in the image. I also must love the engine of my car more than any other part as it truly is it's heart!
I will keep up the posts as the painting comes together. I will dedicate this artwork to my gorgeous car that has been one of my closest companions during the last 8 years.