From my blog Ecocentric
This is my latest project. In my new unit, my kitchen had this strange flat edged wall next to the kitchen bar. It looked too strange, and saw the opportunity to make iy a feature by creating a custom built planter box.
My wonderful friend Nicolle gave me some Jade plants (Crassula ovata ) which would I thought would work perfectly. Interestingly they are a succulent that can take some shade as well as full sun. I kept them inside for a few weeks and they managed very well.
I bought some MDF from Bunnings and knocked up a planted box to exactly match the dimensions of the top of the wall. I painted it white ( although it doesn't match the current house colour, when I renovate I will paint the walls and planter the same colour).
leaving the Jade plants in their pots, I sat each pot in a saucer in the planter box and covered the top with mulch to hide the plastic pots within.
The final product is a sleek, custom planter that cost $15 and an afternoon to make.
Eventually, i intend to install down-lights in the roof directly over the planter, to really make a dramatic feature of the display.