Hand spun, dyed, and knitted scarf!

About 10 years ago I had a passion for spinning wool! I could sit and spin for hours with wool from my grandparents farm. I had an amazing spinning teacher who encouraged me to experiment with dying the wool with natural things. I made a fun and colourful skein of wool which I dyed with beetroot, lichen from trees and black tea. The blue was the only bought wool. I had the skein for years, even winning an award for it on the Wingham show on the Mid North Coast!
The unfortunate thing about the spinning was that I am a terrible knitter! Really really bad. So I gave this skein to Jenny, a beautiful creative lady I work with. To my surprise she knitted me a scarf!
The colours and textures are just beautiful and it still smells a little like sheep. Thanks Jenny so much, you brought something creative from my past alive again, and it will keep me feeling creative and warm at the same time.